The Magdalena Film

This is the film called "Magdalena." It’s a film that was created for women, it shows us God's works and love. It also teaches us the story of Jesus Christ; It gives an account of the way the Jesus revealed himself in the scriptures. These stories are found in Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John. Here, they are told by Mary Magdalene. 

   When Jesus was on earth, He often helped women. He gave women eternal life and told them how to find blessings and freedom. Mary Magdalene was a witness to these things. 


This compelling film collection portraying Jesus’ tender regard for women, is being met with incredible response around the world--inspiring women everywhere to realize and reclaim the purpose they were always intended know God’s love for them and to make it known to others.

  • 1:01:04

    Magdalena - Full video

  • 1:08

    1 Title and Introduction

  • 1:15

    2 Mary Magdalene goes to Rivka's house

  • 2:29

    3 Creation

  • 1:27

    4 Temptation and Fall of Mankind

  • 2:12

    5 Abraham

  • 1:18

    6 Isaiah

  • 1:56

    7 Announcement to Mary

  • 1:16

    8 Mary's Visit to Elizabeth

  • 1:18

    9 Joseph's Response

  • 0:23

    10 Birth of Jesus

  • 1:04

    11 Simeon's Prophecy

  • 0:50

    12 Explanation of Miraculous Birth

  • 1:31

    13 Baptism of Jesus by John

  • 1:36

    14 Jesus Proclaims Fulfillment of the Scriptures

  • 3:54

    15 Mary Magdalene Freed from Demons

  • 1:15

    16 Rivka's Home, Disciples Chosen and Women Followers

  • 0:52

    17 Rome Took Everything but Jesus Offered Hope

  • 1:09

    18 Jesus Raises the Widow's Son

  • 3:57

    19 Sermon on the Mount

  • 5:54

    20 The Woman at the Well

  • 2:14

    21 Teaching About Prayer and Faith

  • 1:11

    22 Jesus Spends Time with Sinners

  • 3:09

    23 The Woman with the Issue of Blood

  • 1:52

    24 Jairus' Daughter Brought Back to Life

  • 1:39

    25 Jesus Feeds 5,000

  • 1:39

    26 Teaching about Following Him

  • 1:58

    27 Healing on the Sabbath

  • 0:53

    28 Roman and Religious Leaders Upset with Jesus

  • 1:19

    29 Widow's Offering

  • 2:59

    30 The Adulterous Woman Forgiven

  • 0:58

    31 Judas agrees to Betray Jesus

  • 1:59

    32 Jesus Is Betrayed, Arrested

  • 4:29

    33 Jesus on Trial

  • 4:20

    34 Jesus Carries His Cross and Is Crucified

  • 0:47

    35 Mary Recalls Simeon's Words

  • 0:58

    36 The Thief Promised Paradise

  • 1:07

    37 Darkness and Jesus' Death

  • 2:21

    38 Burial of Jesus

  • 1:23

    39 Women at the Tomb, Body Gone

  • 2:37

    40 Magdalena Sees the Resurrected Jesus

  • 2:18

    41 Magdalena Explains Jesus' Death and Resurrection

  • 1:55

    42 Knowing God Personally

  • 3:12

    43 Rivka Believes

  • 1:38

    44 Living the Christian Life

  • 1:22:31

    45 Magdalena - Director's Cut

Below is the story of Jesus as it was written down by people who were eyewitnesses. It is found in the New Testament, namely Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John. Mary Magdalene is the narrator of this film. It is written in God's word that she was one of Jesus's followers and spent a lot of time with Him. She tells the story of Jesus as it was, without adding or subtracting a single word. 

Jesus Christ was on the earth over 2000 years ago. An actor plays the role of Jesus. And although no actor is worthy, everything has been done so that we can understand and be enriched by the life of Jesus.


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